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Sunday, January 2, 2011

My winter holiday in 2010

Hi, Happy New Year! Did you have a nice winter holiday? Well, mine was really good. I did so many things that I got a little bit exhausted by the start of the new year.

If you are curious, read my new story about my experience during the holiday.
We hardly finished celebrating my 2nd birthday when Xmas time started. I enjoyed all the preparations: decorating the house, shopping, baking cakes, sending out Xmas cards, listening to carols... My parents surprised me in the morning on 24th Dec; when I walked into the living room, the beautiful Xmas tree was already there. I got only some small presents that day, as my brothers were coming on 25th and we planned to give the presents to each other that evening.

Anyway, I liked that day as it was full of surprises and wonder. The nicely-decorated Xmas tree, Daddy`s surprise dinner, the delicious cakes which grandma and Mummy made, the fun we had playing together, the background music all day long, the candles and sparklers... I loved this atmosphere! Happy, relaxed, full of love... By the way, Mummy is in a collage-making mood nowadays; she made this one. On 25th Dec it started to snow. `I`m dreaming of a white Xmas...`, and nice presents...While I was sleeping, Santa was busy with placing the nicely-wrapped presents beneath the Xmas tree.

I was taking care of them till my brothers arrived. Look! It was a nice job to do! ;-) Meanwhile my parents also had fun...

I was getting more and more excited and could hardly wait to unwrap the presents.

Everybody was wearing nice clothes. That evening it was Mummy`s turn to cook for dinner. Actually grandma prepared some stuffed cabbage for lunch on 24th; Daddy made some fish dishes for Christmas Eve and Mummy cooked meat soup and prepared the delicious layered chicken for dinner. And...we had 5 types of cakes! Body-shaping real calorie bombs...

I got lots of nice presents, e.g. this cute doll with a push-chair, books, 2 necklaces and bracelets, clothes, soft toys, puzzles, Hello Kitty Legos, a toaster, a pink suitcase... I was very happy.
Next day, on 26th, we packed our suitcases and at noon we left Dunafoldvár to catch the 3 o`clock plane to Brussels. The roads were slippery and snowy.
I was really looking forward to flying again, for the 2nd time in my life. :-) Our plane took off 40 minutes later because of the weather conditions. Anyway, it was still better to have a delayed flight than a cancelled one like Mummy`s brother had when he wanted to fly home for Xmas from Ireland.

I felt very tired, but I was so excited that I was unable to fall asleep. This time I had my own seat, although sometimes I wanted to be in Mummy`s lap.

I was a good girl on board, my parents were proud of me. In Belgium Uncle Peter and Willy & Jos were waiting for us. The snow was much deeper there than it was in Hungary. Oma Beppie was happy to cuddle us in the evening. I checked the Xmas trees; the real one was outside, MY one was in front of the fireplace. It looked vey nice.

We only opened the presents the next day as it was more relaxed like this.

It was my task to walk to everybody with the gifts. To tell the truth, I didn`t have to walk to much as it was me who got the most presents. :-) Look! Plenty of nice things!


My main present was this cute Nijntje laptop. Now I can join Daddy while he`s working. ;-)

On 27th in the evening we were invited to Tilly, Willy and Jos, too. There I also got some presents.

Now with this cleaning cart I`ll be able to help Mummy in a more professional way.
On 28th Roland and Krisz helped Peter to showel the snow at the steam train. Mummy will upload the video soon.
As we had nice winter weather, we spent some time outside.

Sometimes I felt very tired; maybe all these impressions in a short period of time made me feel that exhausted.
My birthday, parcels and Xmas with all these presents, people around me continuously, flying, snowy weather, ... Well, I think it was too intense for me, but still enjoyable.

My brothers liked being in the Netherlands. What they enjoyed the most was skiing in SnowWorld, Landgraaf.

Skiing was on Wednesday. I stayed at home with Oma. We played a lot. During my stay at Oma I liked her cat being around me.

It`s a pity that I`m only allowed to have a pet like this below.
On Thursday Daddy, Mummy and my big brothers went to Geleen to skate for some hours. In skiing Daddy was much better than Mummy, BUT in skating Mummy proved to be much more skillful. :-) Roli and Krisz were good at both of them.

We had a nice time in Holland; thanks for everybody`s hospitality. We had our flight back on 31st. After taking my brothers home, we drove to Bicske grandmother who had invited us for New Year`s Eve. Look what Mummy did: made a collage from some of the New Year`s Eve photos in 2009. I`ve changed a lot, haven`t I?

Grandma was waiting for us with a delicious dinner and some new cakes!!! She also bought funny paper hats and ribbons for everybody. To be honest, I was extremely tired of travelling all day (Berg-Koln-Budapest-Velence-Bicske), so I was put into bed just after 8pm. The adults stayed up till 1.30.
Next morning when I woke up I was told to wish everybody a Happy New Year. Outside I sledged in the big garden.
After lunch I had my usual afternoon nap for nearly 4 hours... You can have a clue how tired I had been. Then we drove home to Dunafoldvár where it took some hours to unpack everything.
Well, that was my winter holiday. Very busy, but enjoyable. That`s it for now. Enjoyed the story and the pictures??? See you soon! Bye-bye!
ps. Soon I`m back with the videos.