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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Being ill for the first time

Hello! Here I am again.
Can you remember the end of the last story? Yes, I indicated that Mummy started to feel sick on Sunday. Well, I also got infected by Monday. Actually when my Hungarian grandma was informed about Mum`s weakness (stomach-ache, diarrhoea, being dizzy and nosious), she decided to drive to us to help Mummy. The problem was that by Monday afternoon it was not only Mummy, but also me who needed more attention. I was vomiting all the evening... Everything came out, even the water they made me drink in order to avoid my drying out. Fortunately I only had a slight temperature. The doctor said it was a stupid virus infection. For five days I hardly ate anything. I became quite weak, pale and I didn`t feel like doing anything. The only thing which I liked doing was being outside in the nature.

It was a very stubborn virus as it infected everybody. By Tuesday Daddy got it, on Wednesday grandma was also sick. Anyway, it didn`t last for a long time. :-) By the weekend I felt much better, so I enjoyed being in the playground with my parents.

Swinging, sliding, playing with sand and laughing again!!!
And the most important thing is that my appetite was coming back gradually. On Saturday morning I was happy to eat again. I was eagerly putting everything into my mouth which was on my plate. There were tears of happiness in Mummy`s eyes. Look! You can see how much I ate that morning. I have to admit that I was extremely hungry. I will grow a lot if I an eat properly again. :-)))

I started to gain back my energy and also my interest in the world around me.

I was glad to see the flowers (daffodils, violets, crocuses) growing in our garden.

On Sunday I could eat half of my lunch. That was the first warm food I ate since Monday.

I started to enjoy people`s company again.

I could entertain myself for a short period of time and I was also happy to help Mummy.
I was interested in books again. When I was ill, I refused to read.

As I was healthy again, on 30th March I got my vaccination (the compulsory one at the age of 15 months and also the one against chicken-pox). My appetite is bigger than it was before. Oh, I forgot to tell that I`m 10.3 kilos and 77cm tall.

So I think I`m completely recovered from my illness similarly to the other members of the family. Look! These pictures were taken some days ago.

The weather is nice in Hungary; I love going for a walk, listening to the cute little birds` chirping, smelling flowers, ...

...playing with the ball, ...

...sitting down when I`m tired, stroking the surface of trunks,...

...picking flowers for Mummy in the park, checking pebbles in the garden, ...

...noticing spiders running on the wall, stroking flowers in the front garden, ... Oh, I like being outide so much!!!

Well, that was my story. Actually the emphasis is always on the photos taken mainly by Mummy.
Happy Easter Holiday!
See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Good health to Everyone! :-)
    Seems this virus was flying in the air... and sat down on our relatives as well :-(
    Did I see well the rest of "turorudi" left on the table? Hmmmmmm, I liked it veeeery much during my stay in Hungary :-) mnamki-mnam :-)
    Take care,
